DelhiDesk Ashneer Grover, the ex-co-founder and managing director of Bharat Pay, made a funny tweet about Mumbai’s famous Sea Link. He tweeted about the lights being switched off on the cables of the bridge, which makes it look spectacular at night. Grover shared a picture of the bridge without lights on its cables and requested someone to turn them on. Users reacted to the tweet, pointing out that the bridge looks breathtaking at night and hoping that someone will heed Grover’s request soon. The Bandra Worli Sea Link is the longest sea bridge and the fourth longest bridge in India.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

👉 Ashneer Grover, ex-co-founder and managing director of Bharat Pay
👉 Known for his different style on social media
👉 Made a funny tweet about Mumbai’s Famous Sea Link
👉 Tweeted about the lights being switched off on the cable on the Sea Link
👉 Shared a picture of Sea Link taken from near it
👉 Users gave mixed reactions to his tweet

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