DelhiDesk Delhi Education Minister and AAP leader Atishi Marlena held a press conference regarding the Delhi liquor scam, stating that there was no scam and that the Rouse Avenue Court had cleared the accusation that 100 crores were taken from liquor traders and spent by the Aam Aadmi Party in Goa. The accused, Rajesh Joshi and Gautam Malhotra, were granted bail by the court on Saturday, and an 85-page order confirmed that there was no evidence of a single money scam in this case.

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– 👉 Delhi Education Minister Atishi denies liquor scam allegations
– 👉 Rouse Avenue Court order clears ED of any proof of bribe-taking
– 👉 Accused Rajesh Joshi and Gautam Malhotra granted bail
– 👉 Allegation of 100 crores taken from liquor traders for AAP in Goa
– 👉 85-page order confirms no money scam in this case