Ashish Kacholia, a renowned investor, has sold half of his stake in D-Link India, a company that designs products related to networking, broadband, digital, voice, and data communication. The shares were sold in open market trading. On Wednesday, June 7, the company’s shares closed at INR 227.15, down 1.05%. However, the company has provided more than 72% returns in the last year. Kacholia had 7.5 lakh shares of D-Link, which was equal to a 2.11% stake in the company, according to the March quarter shareholding pattern. He has now reduced his stake by selling 1.94 lakh shares, equivalent to a 0.54% stake in the company.
Kacholia sold his shares at INR 228.5 per share, according to bulk deals data available on the exchange. Apart from D-Link, there were some other listed shares that saw bulk deals on June 7. Smallcap World Fund Inc, a foreign portfolio investor, sold 23.54 lakh equity shares of Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation, which was a 1.86% stake in the company, at an average price of INR 548.42. As per the March quarter shareholding pattern, Smallcap World Fund had a 4.94% stake in Deepak Fertilizers.
Meanwhile, promoter Gateway Distriparks purchased 11 lakh shares of Snowman Logistics in a bulk deal on Wednesday. The stake acquired by the promoter is equal to 0.65% of the company’s total share capital. The purchase was made at an average price of INR 40.02. The details of the bulk deals on June 7 have been mentioned in the table below.
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