Apple is planning to launch an affordable version of its recently unveiled Apple Vision Pro, which allows users to access apps, mobile and Mac features on an unlimited canvas. The device comes with numerous unique features, but its price of $3,499 (approximately 2,88,172 rupees) is beyond the budget of many users. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is working on a cheaper Apple Vision Pro that can reach more consumers and expand the use of the latest technology on a larger scale. The device could be launched in 2025.
What is Apple Vision Pro?
The Apple Vision Pro can transform any room into a personal theatre, with pixel clarity even better than 4K TV. It provides an experience to enjoy various types of content from the comfort of your home.
Apple Vision Pro Features:
Apple Vision Pro brings the real world into the digital view, providing users with a next-level experience for movies, games, and shows. It is not limited to entertainment purposes only, as it can also be connected to Macs. The headset uses the R1 and M2 chipsets and has many unique and attractive features, including voice search, eye-gesture-based icon reach, and hand movement-based clicks.
Reason for Delay in Announcement of the Price:
The company initially delayed announcing the price of Vision Pro due to negative publicity. However, it gave everyone nine months to get used to it.
Apple Vision Pro’s affordable version will allow more people to enjoy this new technology. It is expected to be a game-changer in the tech industry and transform the way we enjoy digital content.
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