DelhiDesk Amitabh Bachchan, the veteran Bollywood actor known as the “emperor of Bollywood,” has been meeting fans outside his Mumbai residence every Sunday for nearly 40 years. However, on May 7, Bachchan warned his fans not to gather outside his house as he would not be able to meet them due to work commitments. The actor is currently shooting for Ribhu Dasgupta’s film “Section 84” and will soon be seen in “Project K” alongside Prabhas and Deepika Padukone. Despite the warning, Bachchan continues to express his gratitude and affection towards his fans.
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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.
π Amitabh Bachchan’s fans gather outside his Jalsa residence in Mumbai every Sunday to catch a glimpse of him.
π The veteran actor has been meeting his fans every Sunday in front of his bungalow ‘Jalsa’ in Juhu for nearly 40 years.
π However, on Sunday, May 7, Amitabh informed his fans that he would not be able to meet them due to work commitments.
π The megastar wrote in a blog post that he would try to return home to meet his fans but there is a possibility of delay and the meeting may not happen.
π Amitabh is currently shooting for Ribhu Dasgupta’s film ‘Section 84’ and will soon be seen alongside Prabhas and Deepika Padukone in ‘Project K’.
π Last week, Amitabh had shared a picture of his fans gathered outside Jalsa on his Instagram account, expressing his gratitude to his dear people.
π Amitabh Bachchan’s fans have been gathering outside his Jalsa residence every Sunday since 1982.
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