DelhiDesk: AIIMS Delhi has successfully treated eye cancer in children using indigenous plaque brachytherapy. The therapy involves attaching a plaque to the eye and giving radiotherapy to remove the tumor. AIIMS used to import the plaques from Germany, but collaborated with Bhabha Atomic Research Center to produce them locally. The plaques are now available free of charge for children undergoing treatment at AIIMS. The therapy has been successful in treating children with eye cancer and the plaques can be reused after surgery.

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– Effective treatment of cancer in children’s eyes with indigenous plaque brachytherapy πŸ‘‰
– AIIMS collaborated with BARC to prepare indigenous plaque for children πŸ‘‰
– Plaque is surgically attached to the children’s eyes to give radiotherapy πŸ‘‰
– Radiotherapy is given for different days depending on the tumor πŸ‘‰
– Child remains in isolation during radiotherapy πŸ‘‰
– Plaque is surgically removed from the eye and used on another child πŸ‘‰
– AIIMS used to import expensive plaques from Germany before indigenous plaque πŸ‘‰
– Indigenous plaque is available free of cost for children in collaboration with the Central Government πŸ‘‰