The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has announced new rules benefiting more than 120 crore mobile users across the country. These include a ₹10 recharge option, 365-day validity plans, and mandatory voice-only plans for dual SIM users.
Telecom operators like Airtel, Jio, Vodafone Idea, and BSNL must comply with these new guidelines, which are expected to take effect by the second week of January.
Key Highlights of TRAI’s New Rules
- Special Tariff Voucher (STV) for Voice and SMS:
- TRAI has made it mandatory to provide specific STVs for voice and SMS services, particularly for 2G feature phone users.
- This will benefit elderly users, rural populations, and other underprivileged groups.
- 365-Day Validity for STVs:
- The validity of Special Tariff Vouchers (STVs) has been increased from 90 days to 365 days.
- Users will no longer need to recharge every three months.
- End of Physical Voucher Color Coding:
- The color-coding system for physical recharge vouchers has been discontinued.
- This change aims to promote online recharges.
- ₹10 Top-Up Voucher:
- The ₹10 top-up voucher remains mandatory, but operators can now issue vouchers of any other denominations as well.
- This flexibility will benefit both telecom companies and users.
Benefits for 120 Crore Users
These changes are especially beneficial for users who own dual SIMs or feature phones. Earlier, private telecom companies had increased the cost of recharge plans, forcing users to opt for expensive options to keep their SIMs active. With these new guidelines, telecom operators can now launch affordable voice and SMS plans.
Key Details of the New Rules
Aspect | Details |
Target Users | 2G feature phone users, dual SIM users, rural and elderly groups |
STV Validity | Increased from 90 days to 365 days |
₹10 Top-Up Voucher | Mandatory, flexibility for other values |
Physical Voucher Color Coding | Discontinued |
Implementation Date | Second week of January |
Affected Telecom Operators | Airtel, Jio, Vodafone Idea, BSNL |