BENGALURU: Isro released the first images of Pragyan, the rover of Chandrayaan-3, two days after its historic Moon landing. The video released by the space agency shows the rover rolling out of the ramps extended from Vikram. Chandrayaan-3 is India’s third lunar mission and the second attempt to soft-land on the Moon. Pragyan, which rolled out early Thursday morning, began to rove later in the day. Its payloads are expected to be turned on later today. Late on Thursday, three of the payloads on Vikram were turned on. Isro chairman S Somanath confirmed that the rover had begun to move on Thursday after its batteries were charged. The rover’s movement will be restricted to be within the observational area and both Vikram and Pragyan are designed to function for one lunar day. India now has 15 scientific instruments studying various aspects of the Moon, the Sun from the Moon, and the Earth. The orbiter of Chandrayaan-2 has already received more than 65 terabytes of data. Most of this data has come from the four major instruments developed by Space Applications Centre (SAC). About 4.5 terabytes of data has come from the Solar X-ray Monitor (XSM) developed by the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL). Initially, Chandrayaan-2 datasets were kept in a nine-month lock-in period for calibration and peer review purposes. Post that, it has resulted in multiple scientific papers from across the world.

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