Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the opposition during a closed-door meeting with BJP MPs. He criticized the opposition for blocking the proceedings of Parliament and for branding their grouping as ‘INDIA’. Modi dismissed the move to bring a no-trust motion as “inconsequential” and called it a gimmick to play with people’s emotions. He highlighted that even terrorist outfits like Indian Mujahideen and Popular Front of India have used ‘India’ in their names.

Modi asserted that the opposition’s choice of ‘INDIA’ as the name for their anti-BJP platform reflects their desperation, as they have realized that the NDA is poised for a landslide victory in 2024. He expressed confidence in the BJP and the NDA, stating that India is seen with hope by the global community.

The Prime Minister also addressed the proposed no-confidence motion, stating that it was of no use. He reminded BJP MPs that in 2019, when a no-confidence motion was brought against them, their seats increased from 282 to 303. Modi predicted that if a similar motion is brought this time, the BJP will win more than 350 seats.

Modi’s criticism of the opposition’s choice of ‘INDIA’ as their platform’s name came amid a standoff over the violence in Manipur. He condemned the opposition for blocking the two Houses despite the government’s offer to have a thorough discussion on the situation in the northeastern state.

During the meeting, Modi emphasized the need for a fresh start as the government prepares for the next election. He urged party MPs to work with resolve and determination to help develop the country. Modi also emphasized the importance of maintaining strong and cordial ties with allies, referring to the recent meeting of the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance.

In addition, the Prime Minister called for the organization of several programs, including ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’, on Independence Day. There are also plans to create an ‘Amrit Van’ (Amrit forest) by bringing plants from blocks across the country.

Overall, Modi’s address to BJP MPs highlighted the government’s confidence, its achievements in the Indian economy, and its optimistic vision for the future.

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