Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has demanded the resignation of Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, citing a “total law and order collapse” in the capital. This comes following a daylight robbery of an employee of a private company in a tunnel road near Pragati Maidan by armed assailants on Saturday. Kejriwal tweeted that the LG should step aside and the law and order should be handed over to the AAP government in Delhi. The AAP government has repeatedly accused the LG of “failing” to ensure the safety and security of the residents of Delhi. Delhi Police falls directly under the domain of the central government, and since the LG is the representative of the Centre, the police reports directly to him. Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj alleged that the criminals had started feeling emboldened, and AAP’s chief spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar alleged that the LG’s failure to control law and order was a consequence of him being an “outsider”.
Key points:
– Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has demanded the resignation of Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, citing a “total law and order collapse” in the capital.
– This comes following a daylight robbery of an employee of a private company in a tunnel road near Pragati Maidan by armed assailants on Saturday.
– The Delhi Police falls directly under the domain of the central government, and since the LG is the representative of the Centre, the police reports directly to him.
– AAP’s spokesperson alleged that the LG’s failure to control law and order was a consequence of him being an “outsider”.
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