West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has returned to campaigning for panchayat elections after a gap of 12 years, amid fears that voters have lost confidence in her Trinamool Congress party. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, president of the Congress party in the state, claimed that Banerjee was “on edge” ahead of the polls, as the electorate is increasingly unhappy with the state’s corruption and deteriorating law and order situation. Chowdhury also warned that the TMC was using violence to intimidate voters in what he called a “very dangerous” situation. Banerjee, however, was described as a “dedicated party worker” by TMC MP Saugata Roy, who said she was addressing some rallies purely in that capacity.
Grand alliance
Banerjee has been critical of the role played by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and Congress in the state, despite her efforts to form a grand opposition alliance against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at the national level. The Congress party’s Chowdhury responded by saying that the TMC’s credibility was “always under a question mark” in the fight against the BJP. Banerjee has vowed to break the “unholy nexus” between the CPI (M) and Congress in Bengal.
Inputs from agencies have been used in this report.
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