Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly, Ramveer Singh Bidhuri, has accused Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of neglecting the problems of Delhi and seeking the help of opposition leaders instead. According to Bidhuri, the Chief Minister is so preoccupied with uniting opposition parties that he is not giving priority to the acute water crisis in Delhi, cleanliness of drains, and control of pollution.

H3: The Water Crisis in Delhi

Bidhuri has highlighted the severity of the water crisis in Delhi during the scorching summer, with half of the city experiencing water scarcity due to the Munak Canal breakdown. The government has failed to take appropriate measures to address the situation, which has resulted in the suffering of the general public.

H3: Drains and Pollution

The Leader of Opposition has also criticized the government’s inability to clean drains before the monsoon, which has resulted in waterlogging and flooding in various parts of Delhi. The government’s failure to control pollution has also been a significant issue, which has led to an increase in respiratory problems among the general public.

H3: Public Transport

Bidhuri has further accused the government of neglecting Delhi’s public transport system due to the non-availability of new buses. This has led to daily incidents of fire in buses and an increase in accidents.

In conclusion, Bidhuri has emphasized that the Chief Minister needs to prioritize Delhi’s problems and take concrete steps to address them. Instead of focusing on opposition unity, the government should concentrate on improving the day-to-day lives of the people of Delhi.


– Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Ramveer Singh Bidhuri accuses Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of neglecting Delhi’s problems.
– Bidhuri highlights the water crisis, cleanliness of drains, and pollution as major issues that need immediate attention.
– The government’s failure to address these issues has resulted in the general public suffering.
– Bidhuri emphasizes the need to prioritize Delhi’s problems and improve the day-to-day lives of its citizens.

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