Hero MotoCorp has launched its new bike, the Hero Xtreme 160R 4V in the Indian two-wheeler market. The bike is available in three variants, namely Standard, Connected, and Pro. The standard variant of the bike is priced at ₹1,27,300 in showrooms, while the Connected variant is priced at ₹1,32,800. The top variant of the bike, i.e., the Pro variant is available for purchase at ₹1,36,500 in showrooms. The bike will compete with Bajaj Pulsar N160, TVS Apache RTR 160 4V, and Bajaj Pulsar NS160 in the market. The company has started booking the bike from June 15, and the delivery will start from the second week of July.
Details of the Engine of Hero Xtreme 160R 4V:
The company has installed a four-valve head and oil-cooled technology in the Hero Xtreme 160R 4V bike. The bike comes with a powerful 163 cc single-cylinder engine that generates a maximum peak power of 16.6 bhp at 8,500 rpm. It is equipped with a 5-speed gearbox. The bike offers an upside-down fork at the front and a pre-load adjustability shock absorber at the rear for a comfortable ride experience. The company provides a disc or drum brake option at the front and a disc brake at the rear of the bike. The bike comes with 17-inch alloy wheels.
Design and Features of Hero Xtreme 160R 4V:
The company has made an effort to keep the design of this bike unique. The bike comes with sharp LED headlamps, integrated LED daytime running lights, chunky fuel tank, split seats, and a sleek tail section. The bike is available in three different colors, including Matte Slate Black, Neon Night Star, and Blazing Sports Red. The bike features a digital instrument cluster and more than 25 telematics features.
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