BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh has been accused of sexual harassment by 25 people, which includes a victim wrestler, international wrestler Bajrang Punia, two sisters of a wrestler, coach, referee, and people of Mahavir Akhara, Rohtak. According to a senior police official source, all the people of Mahavir Akhara have recorded their statements against Brij Bhushan. Delhi Police is going to file a charge sheet in this matter on Wednesday. Preparations are on to close the POCSO case lodged by the minor wrestler.

The minor victim has withdrawn her allegations against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI), and the police will file a closure report on Thursday. Senior sources of Delhi Police say that only photographs have been provided by the two wrestlers and the WFI to the Delhi Police. The number of these photos is several hundred. All photos have been checked, and nothing objectionable is coming out in these, and only the presence of the accused is visible. No video has been found in the investigation. Police sources say that the video has neither been provided by the aggrieved wrestlers nor by the WFI.

A senior police source said that the Delhi Police has only the statements of the victim women wrestlers, testimony of 25 people, and photographs against the accused Brij Bhushan. In such a situation, the police will submit the charge sheet cum status report in the court.

In summary, here are the key points –

– 25 people have testified against BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, including victim wrestlers, coach, referee, and people of Mahavir Akhara, Rohtak.
– Delhi Police is going to file a charge sheet in this matter on Wednesday.
– Preparations are on to close the POCSO case lodged by the minor wrestler.
– The minor victim has withdrawn her allegations against WFI, and the police will file a closure report on Thursday.
– Only photographs have been provided to the Delhi Police, and no video has been found in the investigation.
– The Delhi Police has only the statements of the victim women wrestlers, testimony of 25 people, and photographs against the accused Brij Bhushan.

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