Delhi Police Special Cell has busted an international illegal arms supply chain that was being operated from the United States and Dubai. The accused was identified as Mukand Singh, a resident of Punjab, who was supplying illegal weapons to the Lawrence Bishnoi-Kala Jathedi gang. The police arrested Singh on May 24 near Delhi’s Sarai Kale Khan Bus Terminal and seized 25 pistols and 50 cartridges from him.

Key Highlights:

– The accused was supplying illegal weapons at the behest of his handlers based in the US and Dubai.
– Singh was arrested with 25 pistols of .32 bore, two spare magazines, and 50 live cartridges.
– The accused has been supplying illegal arms and cartridges to criminals in Delhi and Punjab for the past six months.
– Singh was identified with Dilpreet Singh of Punjab, who had gone to the US illegally about a year ago. Both remained in contact with each other.
– The police are investigating the case and trying to nab other members of the arms supply chain.

The police officials revealed that Singh was identified with Dilpreet Singh of Punjab about two years ago. Dilpreet Singh had gone to the US illegally about a year ago, but both remained in contact with each other. Mukand Singh also wanted to settle abroad and was told by Dilpreet Singh that his Punjab associate, Mannu, worked as a driver in Dubai and was involved in supplying illegal weapons to their criminal contacts in India.

The arrest of Mukand Singh is a significant breakthrough in curbing the illegal arms supply chain in the country. The police are investigating the case and trying to nab other members of the arms supply chain. The Special Cell of Delhi Police deserves praise for their prompt action and successful operation.

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