Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami of Uttarakhand completed his one-year term as Champawat MLA and celebrated the occasion by gifting 42 different development schemes worth Rs 50.54 crore to the residents of Champawat. The Chief Minister also made 14 important announcements for the development of Champawat. He inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of three development schemes worth Rs 9.82 crore for Champawat district and 28 development schemes worth Rs 23.45 crore.

The Chief Minister inspected the stalls of the departments related to public welfare schemes being run by the government and appreciated the entrepreneurs, leading and progressive farmers, and self-help groups. He said that agriculture, agricultural products, and enterprises are being promoted in the state, and direct benefits are reaching the beneficiaries by operating various schemes.

On this occasion, the Chief Minister released the development book published by the Information and Public Relations Department, Dehradun, and the calendar of steps towards Adarsh ​​Champawat and the development book of district Champawat. He also inaugurated the camp office of Uttarakhand Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board Champawat.

The Chief Minister said that they are moving towards making Uttarakhand the best state of the country with an alternative resolution. District Champawat is being made an ideal Champawat under the concept of best district, best state. On the occasion of the anniversary of the historic victory of Champawat by-election, he expressed his gratitude to all the people of Champawat and said that it was because of their love, blessings, and cooperation that he got the historic victory in the Vidhansabha.

Assistance amounting to more than two crore rupees has been provided to about 510 beneficiaries in a year through the schemes run by the BOCW Board under the Labor Department. The Chief Minister has been actively promoting the development of the state and has inaugurated many other development schemes in the recent past.

In conclusion, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has completed one year term as Champawat MLA and has gifted 42 different development schemes worth Rs 50.54 crore to the residents of Champawat. The Chief Minister has been actively promoting the development of the state and has inaugurated many other development schemes in the recent past.

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