Indian Railways News : In the aftermath of the tragic train accident in Balasore, Odisha, Indian Railways has announced the cancellation of about 90 trains, while the route of 46 trains has been changed. Additionally, 11 trains have been stopped before reaching their destination. Most of the trains affected due to the accident belong to the South and South-East Railway zones.

These trains are cancelled

According to the latest data released by South Eastern and Southern Railway zones, several trains have been cancelled. South Eastern Railway has cancelled Chennai-Howrah Mail, Darbhanga-Kanyakumari Express, and Kamakhya-LTT Express, all running on June 3. The Patna-Puri special train scheduled for June 4 has also been cancelled. Southern Railway has cancelled the Dr. MGR Chennai Central – Santragachi AC Superfast train, the Chennai Central – Shalimar Coromandel Express, and the Mangalore-Santragachi Vivek Superfast Express, all scheduled to run on June 4.

This train will stop before its destination

Indian Railways has decided to stop 11 trains before their destination. South Eastern Railway has run a special MEMU train from Howrah to Balasore at 4 pm on June 3 to take the relatives of the passengers affected by the accident to the spot. This train will stop at several stations en route. Similarly, Southern Railway is running a special train from Chennai to Bhadrak for the families and relatives of the people affected by the accident.

The train accident in Balasore, Odisha, has caused major disruptions to train services in the region. Indian Railways has taken swift action to ensure the safety of passengers and their families. The cancellation and diversion of train routes, as well as the stoppage of trains before their destination, is a necessary step towards maintaining the safety and security of passengers. Indian Railways has urged passengers to check the latest updates on train services to avoid any inconvenience while travelling.

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