Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy inaugurated the YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan Scheme at Pattikonda in Kurnool district on Thursday. The scheme provides a financial assistance of Rs 5,500 to eligible farmers under the first installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana. However, farmers are still waiting for the Rs 2,000 share from the central government under this scheme.

The state government has contributed Rs 5,500 as its share, and a total of Rs 7,500 will be distributed to the eligible farmers. In a video shared by the state government, Chief Minister Reddy said that the state will be prosperous only when the farmer is prosperous. He assured the farmers that his government has fulfilled all the promises mentioned in the manifesto and that farmers who find it difficult to take loans should not struggle while cultivating crops.

Under the YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan Scheme, the Andhra Pradesh government provides financial assistance of Rs 13,500 to landless Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Backward Classes (BC), and minority community farmers engaged in tenant farming. The scheme includes those cultivating the endowment land in three installments as well. The state government has distributed Rs 30,985 crore under this scheme in the last four years.

This scheme is expected to benefit 52.3 lakh eligible farmers across the state. The financial assistance will help farmers meet their agricultural expenses and improve their livelihoods. The state government’s initiative is commendable, and it is a step towards supporting and empowering farmers in the state.

In conclusion, the YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan Scheme is a significant step towards supporting farmers in Andhra Pradesh. The state government’s efforts to provide financial assistance to farmers will help them in meeting their agricultural expenses and improving their livelihoods. The scheme is expected to benefit a large number of eligible farmers across the state, and it is a commendable initiative towards supporting and empowering them.

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