DelhiDesk The Delhi High Court rejected a petition seeking the inclusion of legal studies as a subject in all schools. The court stated that it is within the jurisdiction of government officials to make decisions regarding teaching law to schoolchildren. The bench, headed by Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, said that since this matter is a matter of policy, it amounts to misuse of the forum. The petitioner’s counsel argued that legal education is fundamental and the soul of the Constitution, and that serious steps should be taken regarding the inclusion of legal studies in the school curriculum. However, the court asked the counsel to explain the authority under which the petitioner has the right to demand that such a subject be taught in schools. The court ultimately dismissed the plea. The Delhi government’s counsel stated that it is providing proper education to students, and the issue of introducing a new subject is within the purview of academic experts.
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– Delhi High Court 👉 Photo: Social Media
– The court declined to entertain a plea seeking introduction of legal studies as a subject in all schools
– Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma said it was within the jurisdiction of government officials to decide about teaching law to school children
– Counsel for petitioner argued that legal education is a fundamental subject and soul of the Constitution
– The bench asked the counsel to explain the authority under which it entitles the petitioner to demand that such subject be taught in the school
– The court said it is under the jurisdiction of the government to decide about introducing a new subject in the curriculum
– Delhi government’s counsel Santosh Kumar Tripathi said the issue of introducing a new subject was within the purview of academic experts
– The court ordered to dismiss the plea.