DelhiDesk Zerodha’s co-founder and CEO Nithin Kamath shared a picture with his father-in-law Shivaji Patil, who started a grocery shop in Karnataka’s Belgaum after retiring from the army. Kamath praised Patil’s lesson on how being content is the only way to true freedom and how he refuses to stop working even after achieving success. Kamath also shared Patil’s dedication to his work and the twinkle in his eye when discussing profit margins. In his tweets, Kamath emphasized the importance of being content and staying mentally and physically active.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Zerodha’s CEO Nithin Kamath shared a picture with his father-in-law and tweeted about how he taught him a lesson on being content
– His father-in-law started a grocery shop in Belgaum after retiring from the Army
– Kamath talked about his father-in-law’s lifestyle and how he refused to stop working
– To be content and never stop being active mentally and physically is the key to a good life
– Kamath shared that his father-in-law tried to convince him to get a government job when he asked for permission to marry his daughter in 2007
– Money can’t buy contentment and being active, and his father-in-law is the best example

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