DelhiDesk Delhi Police’s Intelligence Fusion Strategic Operations (IFSO) team saved a person’s life by acting on a social media alert. The team received an alert on April 18, 2023, about a person who had posted a suicide video on Instagram and immediately extracted the IP address and mobile number of the person. They informed the Faridabad control room and talked to the person, who was going through depression due to a divorce case filed by his wife. The police informed the person’s neighbors and saved his life through their vigilance.
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– Delhi Police 👉 Photo: Social Media
– Expansion
– The day of April 18, 2023.
– The alert comes on the computer of the social media alert team of Intelligence Fusion Strategic Operations (IFSO), a unit of Delhi Police’s Special Cell, Dwarka.
– On opening the alert, it was found that a person (40) resident of Ballabhgarh, Faridabad had posted a video on Instagram that he was committing suicide.
– After some time he deletes the video.
– On this ACP Vijay Ghelawat’s team comes into alert mode and they immediately extract the IP address and mobile number of the said person.
– Police also informs the Faridabad control room.
– ACP Vijay Ghelawat talks to that person immediately.
– It was learned that she had got married six years ago.
– The wife filed a divorce case in the court for not having a child.
– Because of this he started getting worried.
– Due to depression, he wanted to commit suicide.
– For this he had uploaded the video.
– Delhi Police informs the youth living in the neighborhood of that person and asks him to keep an eye on him.
– Due to the vigilance of the Delhi Police, that person’s life was saved.