DelhiDesk A teenager named Faizan was beaten to death at Delhi’s Bijwasan railway station on May 1. The five attackers had an altercation with Faizan and his friends, and one of them grabbed Faizan’s friend Om’s collar and started abusing and beating him. Faizan ran on the other side and was seen fighting with a young man. The young man accused all three of assaulting them and started assaulting them. People caught the young man, and a boy was found lying unconscious outside the station. Faizan was declared brought dead at the hospital. Five attackers have been arrested, including a minor, and a case of murder has been registered against them. Manish Kumar, a resident of Bijwasan village, was caught first, and he told the police the names of his accomplices.
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👉 A teenager named Faizan was beaten to death at Delhi’s Bijwasan railway station.
👉 The five attackers had an altercation with the teenager and his friends.
👉 People caught one of the accused and handed him over to the police.
👉 The accused told that there was a fight in Tashan.
👉 Police caught four other absconding accused on his trail, out of which one is a minor.
👉 Police registered a case of murder against the accused.
👉 Aditya Kumar (16), a resident of Kapashera village, told the police about the incident.
👉 All three boys reached Bijwasan station from school to play cricket in the ground.
👉 Five youths were talking on platform number-one. Those people called to themselves.
👉 One of them grabbed Om’s collar and started abusing and beating him.
👉 After some time, Faizan reached there in search of his friend and was seen fighting.
👉 People caught the young man who assaulted them and found Faizan lying unconscious outside the station.
👉 Faizan was declared brought dead by doctors at the hospital.
👉 Delhi Cantt Railway Station police took the dead body into custody and sent it for postmortem.
👉 The youth who was caught was identified as Manish Kumar, a resident of Bijwasan village.
👉 The accused and his friends stopped these boys in tension and beat them up.