DelhiDesk The Delhi Police’s Special Cell has arrested six members of a gang involved in supplying opium and heroin from Naxal areas and north-eastern states. The police have recovered 101.620 kg of opium and 2 kg of heroin from the accused. The arrested accused have been identified as Lakhpat Singh, Gularia, Suresh, Dalchand, Prakash Puri, Taslima Begum, and Ravi Prakash. The accused used to bring opium from Latehar in Naxal-affected Jharkhand and get heroin prepared from it. The police have also recovered Rs 7.50 lakh in cash from the accused. The arrested accused are being interrogated.

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– Delhi Police’s Special Cell arrests six members of a gang involved in supplying opium and heroin from Naxal areas and north-eastern states
– 101.620 kg of opium and 2 kg of heroin recovered from the accused, along with a Mahindra XUV 300 car, truck, several mobile phones, SIM cards and other items
– Arrested accused identified as Lakhpat Singh (43), Gularia, Suresh (24), Dalchand (36), Prakash Puri (39), Taslima Begum (38) and Ravi Prakash (34)
– Accused used to bring opium from Latehar in Naxal-affected Jharkhand and get heroin prepared from it
– Taslima Begum was supplying heroin from Manipur border to Delhi NCR
– Rs 7.50 lakh in cash also recovered from the accused
– Special Commissioner of Special Cell HGS Dhaliwal says his team was engaged in the investigation of drug peddlers for a long time
– Two gangs were found bringing and supplying opium and heroin from Jharkhand and Manipur
– Lakhpat and Suresh were nabbed on April 24 from Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar, Delhi with 101.620 kg of opium hidden in coconut
– Dal Chand was also arrested from Nainital
– Hawala dealer Prakash Puri was arrested from Bareilly with Rs 7.50 lakh recovered from him
– Opium was being cultivated in the Naxal area
– Taslima Begum, a resident of Assam, was arrested with two kg of heroin from Shakur Basti railway station, Delhi
– Heroin was brought to India from Myanmar
– Accused Ravi Prakash was also nabbed from Delhi
– Police is probing the matter by interrogating the arrested accused
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