DelhiDesk The Economic Offenses Wing has arrested Rahul Chamola, Managing Director of Niwas Promoters Pvt Ltd, for duping buyers of crores of rupees by showing them the dream of a house in the residential project One Leaf Troy in Greater Noida. The accused named actor and cricketer Munaf Patel as the director of the company, on which about 180 people had booked flats in the project by paying money. After interrogating the accused, the branch is probing the involvement of Munaf Patel and others in the swindle. The victims alleged that they were induced to invest in the said project by Munaf Patel. Rahul Chamola had absconded by closing the company’s office after receiving the money. On Thursday, the police arrested the accused Rahul Chamola from Grih Pravesh Society, Sector-79 Noida. The police are interrogating the accused by taking him on remand for four days.
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– 👉 The Economic Offenses Wing has arrested Rahul Chamola, Managing Director of Niwas Promoters Pvt Ltd, who duped buyers of crores of rupees by showing them the dream of a house in the residential project One Leaf Troy in Greater Noida.
– 👉 The accused named actor and cricketer Munaf Patel as the director of the company, on which about 180 people had booked flats in the project by paying money.
– 👉 Sukhdev Singh, a resident of Delhi, along with many others, had complained of cheating against Niwas Promoters Pvt Ltd in the year 2019 in the Economic Offenses Wing.
– 👉 The company started promoting the project in 2013, luring buyers by saying that cricketer Munaf Patel, who was a member of the Indian cricket team during the 2011 World Cup win, is a director in the company.
– 👉 After getting the money, the accused absconded by closing the company’s office.
– 👉 During investigation the victims also alleged that they were induced to invest in the said project by one of the directors of the company, cricketer Munaf Patel.
– 👉 The police is interrogating the accused by taking him on remand for four days.
– 👉 The accused has studied up to Higher Secondary.
– 👉 Initially he also worked in the telecom sector.