DelhiDesk The husband of a sarpanch, who was living in a consensual relationship with a 25-year-old girl in Delhi, has been arrested by the North District’s Cyber Thana police for defaming her by posting obscene photos on Facebook. The accused had acquired the girl’s Facebook password and used it to upload her photo after a disagreement. The accused, identified as Akhilesh Kumar (33), has been arrested and the mobile phone and Facebook ID used in the crime have been recovered.
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– North District’s Cyber Thana police have arrested the sarpanch’s husband for defaming a 25-year-old girl by posting her obscene photos on Facebook.
– The accused was living in a consensual relationship with the girl in Delhi and had acquired her obscene photo and Facebook ID password.
– Due to differences with the girl, the accused put her photo on Facebook.
– The arrested accused has been identified as Akhilesh Kumar (33).
– The mobile phone and Facebook ID used in the crime have been recovered from the accused.