DelhiDesk The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has sent a legal notice to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge demanding Rs 100 crore in compensation for defamation. The notice was sent after Kharge allegedly made derogatory remarks against the VHP’s youth wing, the Bajrang Dal, in the Congress’ Karnataka election manifesto. The VHP has accused the Congress of comparing the Bajrang Dal to banned terrorist organizations like the Popular Front of India and SIMI. The Congress manifesto promised to impose a ban on the Bajrang Dal and other organizations spreading hatred between communities on the basis of caste and religion.
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👉 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) sends legal notice to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge for defamation of Rs 100 crore.
👉VHP alleges derogatory remarks against Bajrang Dal in Karnataka election manifesto.
👉 Chandigarh unit of VHP and its youth wing Bajrang Dal sends notice demanding payment of defamation within 14 days.
👉 Congress has not responded to the notice yet.
👉 Congress’ manifesto for Karnataka assembly elections promises to take decisive action against organizations spreading hatred between communities.
👉VHP’s lawyer and co-head of its legal cell, Sahil Bansal, alleges tax defamation against Bajrang Dal.
👉Bansal compares banned terrorist organizations like Popular Front of India (PFI) and SIMI with Bajrang Dal.
👉PFI and SIMI are terrorist organizations linked to global terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS, banned by the United Nations General Assembly and more than 100 countries.
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