DelhiDesk Many areas of Delhi-NCR experienced heavy rain on Saturday afternoon, which made the weather cool and pleasant. The maximum temperature in Delhi was recorded at 34 degrees Celsius, which is five notches below normal, and the minimum temperature was 19.5 degrees Celsius on Friday. The Meteorological Department has predicted that the maximum temperature will be 36 degrees and the minimum temperature will be 20 degrees on Saturday. The temperature is expected to increase by three to five degrees from May 8. Due to the activation of Western Disturbance, the temperature was running between 27 to 31 degrees. On Thursday, the minimum temperature was recorded at 15.8 degrees Celsius, which is the lowest in 40 years.

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– Weather pattern changes again in Delhi-NCR
– Rains and winds make weather cool and pleasant
– Maximum temperature recorded at 34 degrees Celsius, below normal
– Meteorological Department predicts maximum temperature at 36 degrees and minimum at 20 degrees
– Possibility of light drizzle and strong dusty wind on May 6 and 7
– Temperature to start increasing from May 8, with heat of May to be felt
– Temperature likely to reach between 36-38 degrees by next week
– Activation of Western Disturbance resulted in temperature running between 27 to 31 degrees
– Minimum temperature recorded at 15.8 degree Celsius, lowest after 40 years.
– Replace “–” by “👉” in beginning of every line.