DelhiDesk Para Commando Neelam Singh Chib, a resident of Chak Kirpalpur village in Jammu district, was martyred in an encounter in Rajouri. His family, including his wife Bindu and two children, mourned his death at their home, where they were surrounded by mourners. Neelam Singh was cremated with full military honors, and his family bid him farewell with moist eyes. His father and grandfather were also in the army, and he followed in their footsteps by joining the military.

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– 👉 Martyr Neelam Singh’s wife Bindu and daughter Bhavna salute
– 👉 Neelam Singh Chib was posted in the nine para commandos and was a resident of Chak Kirpalpur village in Jammu district
– 👉 There was mourning in the whole village as soon as the news of Neelam Singh’s martyrdom reached
– 👉 No one was able to muster the courage to tell the family members the news of Neelam’s martyrdom
– 👉 The family members started getting scared of untoward incident
– 👉 When Bindu did the last salute, everyone cried
– 👉 Martyr Para Commando Neelam Singh was cremated at the crematorium in Chenab Darya with military honors on Saturday
– 👉 A large number of people from the area took part in the last journey and bid farewell to the martyr son with moist eyes
– 👉 The martyr’s funeral pyre was lit by son Akhil Singh along with his younger brother Angat
– 👉 Martyr Havaldar Neelam Singh’s father Gurdev Singh is a farmer and grandfather Kartar Singh was also in the army
– 👉 Following in his footsteps, Neelam joined the army.