DelhiDesk A female model in Delhi’s Dabri area has accused a man of pressurizing her to convert to his religion in their love affair. She alleges that when she protested, the accused raped her and threatened to kill her. The police have registered a case of assault, rape, and threatening to kill against the accused. After initial investigation, the police found that there was a long-standing friendship between the two, but nothing related to religious conversion had come to light. The accused has been arrested and granted interim bail until May 17.

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👉 Main points:

– A case of pressurizing a female model to convert in a love affair has come to light in Delhi’s Dabri area.
– The victim alleged that on protesting, the accused raped her and threatened to kill her, along with making obscene videos and physically exploiting her.
– Initial investigation by the police has not found anything related to religious conversion.
– The two had a friendship for a long time.
– The police have registered a case of assault, rape, and threatening to kill on the complaint of the victim.
– The accused has been arrested and granted interim bail till May 17th.