DelhiDesk The Delhi Pradesh BJP has accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of increasing political desperation due to several scams, including the hawala scam, liquor scam, Delhi Jal Board scam, and scam in bungalow beautification. The BJP claims that the scams have exposed Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and Delhi government minister Atishi and other leaders are making irrational statements to divert public attention from the scams. The state BJP president, Virendra Sachdeva, alleged that the fear of jail time for Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain is increasing, and the party is supporting them politically to prevent them from revealing the truth to investigating agencies. Sachdeva also criticized Atishi’s statement denying the liquor scam and said that every Delhi resident wants to know why Sisodia waived Rs 144 crore of liquor mafia and withdrew the liquor policy as soon as the investigation started.
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– Delhi Pradesh BJP claims AAP’s political desperation is increasing
– Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been exposed in multiple scams
– Delhi government minister Atishi and other leaders are making irrational statements to divert attention from the scams
– State BJP President Virendra Sachdeva suggests Sisodia and Jain may reveal the truth to investigating agencies if not supported politically
– Atishi’s statement denying the liquor scam is deemed childish
– Every child of Delhi wants to know why Sisodia waived Rs 144 crore of liquor mafia, increased commission of wholesale liquor traders and opened liquor shops in restricted areas
– Sachdeva emphasizes the need for accountability in the liquor scam investigation
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