NAVI MUMBAI: A gang of six thieves in Navi Mumbai executed a heist worth Rs 36 lakh by posing as Anti-Corruption Bureau officials. The incident, which took place a week ago, resembles the plot of the Bollywood film “Special 26,” where a gang of 26 robbers impersonates CBI officers to carry out robberies.

According to the retired government official who was targeted, the six conmen entered his Airoli home on July 21 and claimed to be conducting a house search based on a complaint against him. The gang leader, a bearded man, seized the cellphones of the official and his wife and made them sit beside him during the search. The official’s wife was also asked to hand over the keys to the cupboard. When the official requested to see the leader’s identification, he was denied and told it would be shown after the search.

While the official and his wife were held captive, the other gang members searched the three-bedroom flat and found valuables including cash, jewelry, and watches. The stolen items included Rs 25.25 lakh in cash, a gold chain worth Rs 3.80 lakh, a ring and bracelet worth Rs 4.20 lakh, a diamond ring worth Rs 40,000, a diamond-studded gold mangalsutra worth Rs 80,000, and two wrist watches valued at least Rs 10,000. The gang members stuffed the stolen items into a leather bag found in one of the cupboards before making their escape.

This incident serves as a reminder of the vulnerability of individuals to such impersonation crimes. It is crucial for people to remain vigilant and verify the identities of individuals claiming to be law enforcement officers. Authorities are investigating the case and working to apprehend the culprits.

In the meantime, residents are advised to exercise caution and report any suspicious activities to the police. It is essential to prioritize personal safety and security by being aware of potential scams and taking necessary precautions to protect oneself and one’s belongings.

★A gang of six thieves in Navi Mumbai posed as Anti-Corruption Bureau officials to carry out a heist worth Rs 36 lakh.
★The incident resembles the plot of the Bollywood film “Special 26,” where a gang impersonates CBI officers.
★The gang seized the cellphones of the retired government official and his wife and made them sit beside the leader during the house search.
★The gang members stole cash, jewelry, and watches from the official’s home.
★Authorities are investigating the case and urging residents to remain vigilant against impersonation crimes.

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