The torture of winter continues. There are reports that in the coming days there will be a severe cold wave and the temperature of many places including Delhi can go below zero.


To avoid such cold, people use room heaters. But, this method is not only very expensive, but also not safe. The heat and air coming out of the heater can cause many problems for you. Sleeping with the heater on all night can also cause suffocation. That’s why it is necessary that such measures should be taken, which are also economical and also save from cold.


If you want to avoid winter without heater and want to keep your room warm, then today we are going to tell you some such tricks, through which you will not only be able to keep your room warm, but also the air of the suffocating heater. Will be able to keep yourself safe from. Let us now tell you how to keep the room warm without a heater.


Plastic wrap all windows

During winters, air often enters the house through the windows or doors of the house. In such a situation, to stop this wind, you can wrap plastic on the sides of the windows and doors of the house. Due to this cold air will not enter your room and the heat of your room will be maintained.

Put rugs on the floor

The floor of the house also remains very cold in cold weather and it becomes difficult to walk on the ground with bare feet. In this case, you can lay rugs on the floor. This not only keeps the ground warm, but also keeps the feet from getting cold.

Open windows in the sun

Sunlight is rarely seen in the winter season. In such a situation, if the sun comes out, then you open the windows and doors of your room. This keeps the room warm and the dampness in the room also goes away.


Hang heavy curtains on windows and doors

In the winter season, you should use heavy and dark colored curtains on the windows and doors of your homes. Thick curtains work to stop the air coming from outside. On the other hand, dark colored curtains help in keeping the room warm.


Hot water bag

Generally, hot water bags are often used to reduce back pain or pain in other parts of the body, but do you know that you can also use it to keep your bed warm. . Yes, if you keep a hot water bag on your bed while sleeping, it will make your bed hot quickly.

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