With the introduction of the Meerut-Lucknow Vande Bharat Express, passengers are now enjoying a more comfortable travel option. However, the operation of this new train has led to some necessary adjustments in the schedules of other trains. To accommodate the Vande Bharat Express, the timings of five trains have been revised.


The new schedule will be effective from September 5, affecting the following trains:

  • Rajya Rani Express (Up and Down)
  • Nauchandi Express
  • Kamakhya Express
  • Muradabad-Najibabad Passenger (Up and Down)
  • Delhi-Muradabad Passenger

Revised Schedule Details

  1. Rajya Rani Express (Meerut-Lucknow):
    • The train will now depart from Meerut at 7:05 AM instead of 6:40 AM.
    • It will reach Hapur at 7:36 AM instead of 7:15 AM, and speed will be increased from there.
    • Arrival at Amroha remains the same at 8:36 AM, and at Muradabad, the arrival will be at 9:25 AM.
    • The stoppage at Muradabad has been extended from 8 minutes to 10 minutes.
    • The return journey from Lucknow will also see some adjustments:
      • At Shahjahanpur, the new time will be 5:03 PM instead of 5:05 PM.
      • At Bareilly, the new time will be 5:52 PM instead of 6:10 PM.
      • At Muradabad, the train will now arrive at 7:58 PM instead of 7:57 PM.
      • Other station times have been adjusted by 1-2 minutes accordingly.
  2. Nauchandi Express:
    • Timings will vary by 1 to 5 minutes between Saharanpur and Meerut City.
    • The train will still reach Muradabad at its scheduled time.
  3. Kamakhya Express:
    • At Muradabad, the new arrival time is 8:15 AM instead of 8:25 AM.
    • At Bareilly, the train will now arrive at 9:51 AM instead of 10:08 AM.
    • At Lucknow, the train will arrive at 2:20 PM instead of 2:00 PM.
  4. Muradabad-Najibabad Passenger:
    • This train will depart from Muradabad at the same time, but minor changes have been made to arrival times at the following stations:
      • Hakimpur: Arrival at 7:43 PM instead of 7:42 PM.
      • Amroha: Arrival at 8:12 PM instead of 8:08 PM.
      • Gajraula: Arrival at 9:30 PM instead of 8:50 PM.
  5. Najibabad-Muradabad Passenger:
    • The train will depart from Najibabad at its usual time of 6:50 AM.
    • At Amroha, it will arrive at 7:20 AM instead of 7:22 AM.
    • However, between Lodhipur and Muradabad, the travel time will now increase from 42 minutes to 1 hour 42 minutes.
  6. Delhi-Muradabad Passenger:
    • The train will experience 1-2 minute differences at various stations, with Muradabad arrival revised to 10:25 AM instead of 10:20 AM.

Featured Image 51 5 Trains Time Table Changed Because Of Merrut Lucknow Vande Bharat Express Running.

At a Glance in Table

Train Name Old Departure Time New Departure Time Old Arrival Time New Arrival Time Key Stations Affected
Rajya Rani Express (Up) 6:40 AM (Meerut) 7:05 AM 9:25 AM (Muradabad) 9:25 AM Meerut, Hapur, Muradabad
Rajya Rani Express (Down) 5:05 PM (Shahjahanpur) 5:03 PM 7:57 PM (Muradabad) 7:58 PM Shahjahanpur, Bareilly, Muradabad
Nauchandi Express Varied Varied Muradabad (Same) Muradabad (Same) Saharanpur to Meerut City
Kamakhya Express 8:25 AM (Muradabad) 8:15 AM 10:08 AM (Bareilly) 9:51 AM Muradabad, Bareilly, Lucknow
Muradabad-Najibabad Pass. 7:42 PM (Hakimpur) 7:43 PM 8:50 PM (Gajraula) 9:30 PM Amroha, Gajraula, Hakimpur
Najibabad-Muradabad Pass. 6:50 AM (Najibabad) 6:50 AM 7:22 AM (Amroha) 7:20 AM Najibabad, Amroha
Delhi-Muradabad Passenger 10:20 AM (Muradabad) 10:25 AM N/A N/A Muradabad and various stations

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