DelhiDesk The rates of petrol and diesel have not increased on May 21, 2023, with petrol remaining at Rs 96.72 per liter in Delhi and diesel at Rs 89.62 per liter. The rates are determined daily by government oil companies after reviewing prices, and can be checked daily through SMS. More than half of the money people pay for petrol and diesel is in the form of tax by the central government and the states. Crude prices in the international market are often influenced by the dollar rate, which affects the prices of petrol and diesel in the country. Other petroleum products such as aviation fuel, kerosene, and paraffin wax are also obtained from crude oil.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– No increase in petrol and diesel rates on May 21, 2023
– Government oil companies revise and release rates on a daily basis
– Rates for Delhi: petrol at Rs 96.72 per liter, diesel at Rs 89.62 per litre
– Rates for other metros provided in article
– Crude prices in international market influence rates
– More than 50% of cost for petrol and diesel is tax
– Petrol pump dealers take commission on every liter
– Information on crude oil and its products
– Historical rate of petrol in 1947 provided
– Notification option for latest news alerts available

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