DelhiDesk A 12th class pass individual, identified as Prem Ratan Sharma, has been arrested by the Economic Offenses Wing of Delhi Police for allegedly cheating two private companies of INR 11.30 crore by pretending to be an IAS officer. The accused had promised the companies government tenders for LED bulbs in Manipur and Nagaland. After winning their trust, he took INR 6.50 crore and INR 4.80 crore as security from the two companies. However, the victims later discovered that the tender was fake and the accused had absconded. The accused was caught by the Kolkata Immigration Department while trying to flee abroad. The police are currently interrogating him.

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– Pretending to be an IAS officer, a mere 12th class pass duped two private companies of Rs 11.30 crore
👉 The accused has been identified as Prem Ratan Sharma, a resident of Rajasthan
– The accused had cheated private companies in the name of getting government tenders for LED bulbs in Manipur and Nagaland
👉 A non-bailable warrant was issued against the accused after he absconded
– The accused was in the process of absconding abroad
👉 The immigration department nabbed the accused at Kolkata airport
– Police is interrogating the accused by taking him on remand for two days
👉 The accused had set up his office in a posh area of ​​Delhi
– The accused introduced himself as an IAS officer posted in the North-Eastern states
👉 He assured both of them that he could get them big tenders in the north-eastern states
– After winning the trust of both, the accused tricked a victim into getting a tender worth Rs 58.49 crore in Nagaland
👉 The accused took Rs 6.50 and 4.80 crore from both of them in the name of security
– After this, fake tender papers were also given to the victims
👉 Later the victims came to know that the tender was fake
– The accused also switched off all his mobiles
👉 He fled by locking all his offices
– The Economic Offenses Wing registered a case and started investigation
👉 Non-bailable warrants were also taken against the accused
– During this, the accused was caught by the Kolkata Immigration Department
👉 The Delhi Police team reached there and arrested the accused.