DelhiDesk: The Sansad Marg police station in New Delhi has named 12 individuals, including wrestlers, who staged a sit-in at Jantar Mantar for creating a ruckus and breaking barricades. A Delhi Police woman constable, Priyanka, has alleged that wrestler Sakshi Malik kicked her, causing injury. A MLC has been formed of 15 policemen who were injured in the uproar. The Delhi Police stated that the wrestlers would not be allowed to protest at Jantar Mantar. Most of the wrestlers have reportedly returned to their homes from Delhi.

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👉 FIR registered against those who protested and created ruckus at Jantar Mantar
👉 12 people, including wrestlers, named in the FIR
👉 Delhi Police woman constable alleges wrestler Sakshi Malik kicked her
👉 15 policemen injured in the uproar, MLC formed
👉 Wrestlers will not be allowed to protest at Jantar Mantar
👉 Most wrestlers have left for their homes from Delhi.