DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh Board has updated the computer subject in accordance with CBSE guidelines, which will now include teaching drone technology and artificial intelligence to students in class 9-12. The new syllabus has been updated on the board’s website, with a 30 marks project work for students in class 9 and 10 focused on cyber technology, drone technology and e-commerce. The practical classes will involve preparing and testing programs and the board will introduce object-oriented programming in class 12. The written test for class 11 and 12 students will be of 60 marks and practical exams will be of 40 marks. The new syllabus also includes teaching computer fundamentals, number systems, and programming.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– Uttar Pradesh Board updates computer subject on the lines of CBSE
– Students to be taught drone technology and artificial intelligence
– Changes in syllabus for class 9, 10, 11, and 12
– 30 marks project work for students of class 9 and 10 focusing on cyber technology, drone technology, and e-commerce
– Written examination of 70 marks with added lessons on operating systems, Linux system, computer networking, etc.
– Class 10 to include artificial intelligence, drone technology, e-governance, cyber crime, e-commerce, cyber security, hacking, phishing, cyber fraud, spoofing
– Practical classes to prepare and test programs based on input and output
– Object-oriented to be introduced in class 12
– Written test for class 11 and 12 to be of 60 marks and practical exam to be of 40 marks
– Programming to be introduced for class 11 students
– Notification option for latest news alerts
– English summary of the article provided

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