Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann released the Punjab Vision Document 2047 on Tuesday, which he described as the roadmap of a progressive and prosperous state. The document consists of 9 sectoral sections and 16 socio-economic indicator sub-sections that focus on the current status and major challenges faced by the state. The challenges are being addressed through short-term and long-term strategies. According to the document, the economy is projected to achieve a growth rate of 7.5% by 2030 and 10% by 2047. The objective of the document is to bring the investment-gross state domestic product (GSDP) ratio to 25% by 2030 and to restore it to 32% by 2047. The service sector, including online education, will be developed, and the application of digital technologies in the service sector will also be encouraged.
Additionally, the document aims to promote investment in all sectors, employment, and better improvement in the startup ecosystem, creating synergy between the industry and all its educational institutions to ensure job creation. The appropriate strategy for improving the financial health of the economy is prudent financial management, according to CM Mann. Keeping in mind the needs of the state, targets and strategies have been prepared for various identified areas.
In other news, the Punjab government has launched the Aashirwad Yojana to provide financial assistance to the girl child. Under the scheme, girls will receive Rs 51,000. The objective of the scheme is to reduce the financial burden on families and promote the education of girls. The policy will also be made to prevent the exploitation of women abroad.
Overall, the Punjab Vision Document 2047 is a comprehensive plan that aims to rejuvenate the economy and fiscal health of the state by addressing current challenges and promoting investment in all sectors. The document’s objectives are ambitious, but if executed efficiently, they could lead to a prosperous and progressive future for Punjab.
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