In a shocking incident in Delhi’s Model Town area, a portion of a building collapsed during heavy rain on Saturday in Mahendru Enclave. Three people have been rescued from the debris and rushed to the hospital. The building was reportedly being demolished for reconstruction due to its dilapidated condition.

Ongoing Rescue Operations to Save Lives

Rescue teams and the fire department are working tirelessly to remove the debris and ensure that any trapped individuals are rescued. So far, two injured individuals have been pulled out and taken to the hospital. Efforts to clear the rubble are ongoing, and the situation remains critical.


Tower at Risk of Collapse

Adding to the danger, a tower situated on the building remains precariously tilted. The area around the tower is severely weakened and could collapse at any moment. The building had been under demolition for nearly a year, with workers still engaged in dismantling the structure when the incident occurred.

Workers Caught in the Collapse

Reports indicate that 4 to 5 laborers were present in the building during the collapse. Heavy rain began suddenly, prompting some workers to step outside. Tragically, the building crumbled right before their eyes. Debris from the collapse also fell on a nearby house, posing a risk to neighboring structures. As a precaution, surrounding homes have been evacuated to ensure residents’ safety.

Calls for Action and Accountability

Local residents have expressed frustration, stating that the building was in the process of being demolished and had been flagged for action multiple times. Despite warnings, no concrete action was taken to prevent such a disaster. Authorities are now focused on clearing the rubble as quickly as possible to rescue anyone who may still be trapped beneath the debris.

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