DelhiDesk The Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has approved the sale of 35 public utility items at fair price shops in the state, including spices, milk, bread, torches, and other daily items. The aim of this decision is to increase the income of fair price vendors, and a committee will be formed to monitor the goods sold. The shops will be inspected regularly, and the committee will have the authority to increase or decrease the goods sold. Previously, only pulses, flour, wheat, rice, kerosene, coarse grains, sugar, edible oil, and salt were sold in these shops. The decision was first approved in November 2019.

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Here is the news bullets sorted by team.

– 35 public utility items now available at fair price shops in Uttar Pradesh
– Decision taken to increase income of fair price vendors
– Committee formed at level of Food Commissioner to check goods
– Officer from Department of Food Safety and Pharmaceuticals in committee
– Shops will be inspected regularly by committee
– Packed dry fruits, sweets, jaggery, ghee, namkeen, kidney beans, soyabean, cream, incense sticks, comb, milk powder also available
– Children’s clothes, mirror, broom, mop, lock, raincoat also sold
– Plastic pipes, wall clocks, wall hangers, electronic items, jute rope, dish washing bar, detergent matches, nylon and plastic buckets, mugs and strainers available
– Baby care products like soap, diaper, body lotion, massage oil, handwash and bathroom cleaner also available
– Offer of cheap houses coming to Delhi again
– Notification option for latest news alerts available.

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